Where To Start With Your Flood Damage Cleanup

1 September 2015
 Categories: , Blog

If your home has suffered from flood damage, it is essential that you clean it up right away. This will ensure that mold growth is prevented and your family can live in a healthy and dry environment. However, knowing where to start with your flood damage cleanup can be difficult. Here's how to get started: Hire Professionals: The best thing to do is to hire the professionals before you get started on anything. Read More 

What You Need To Know About Mold Inside Your House

18 June 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Having mold in your home can be very dangerous for everyone in the house. In some cases the mold may be small and easy to clean up, but in other cases is can be very dangerous and even toxic. This is why it is important to know what to look for when it comes to mold and how to protect your family. What Causes Mold? Mold comes from moist and warm areas. Read More 

Mold Damage: How To Avoid Problems With Your Personal Valuables

4 June 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Mold is one of the ugliest, unhealthiest and most damaging things in the world to many. This is particularly true when it begins to grow inside your home, causing health problems for you and your family members as well as damage to some of your most precious household items. If you fail to store or display works of art, antiques, photographs and even family heirlooms properly, you may be unintentionally inviting the growth and subsequent damage of mold. Read More 

How To Tell What Type Of Smoke Damage You Have

19 May 2015
 Categories: , Blog

The three major types of smoke found in house fires today are wet smoke, dry smoke, and protein (or kitchen) smoke. The type of smoke damage in your house will dictate the cleaning methods used. Whether it came from a tiny toaster fire or a disastrous house fire that had you calling a damage remediation team that same day, educating yourself about smoke damage is crucial. Here are three steps to determining what type of smoke caused the damage in your home. Read More